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Self-Study and Reaccreditation

Misericordia University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).


This is a voluntary, non-governmental, membership association that defines, maintains, and promotes educational excellence across institutions.

The MSCHE currently includes institutions in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. 

You can view our Institutional Profile on MSCHE’s website

Misericordia University Self-Study and Reaccreditation 2022-2024

Misericordia University is in the midst of a self-study process in preparation for our team visit and institutional reaccreditation by the Middle States Committee on Higher Education. (MSCHE)

Self-study provides everyone at our institution with an opportunity to:

  • Reflect on who we are and what we do;
  • Highlight the institution’s achievements;
  • Identify areas of the institution which may require revision or improvement; and
  • Plan for the continued implementation of the University’s mission and vision over the next 8 years.

This is an important process in the life of the University, when all stakeholders of the institution can participate and contribute. Participating in the process gives each of us a better view of the University’s past, its present strengths and challenges, and its future direction.

Self-study will require that the institution engage in an in depth, comprehensive, and reflective assessment process to assess the institution’s educational quality and success in meeting its mission, as well as identify opportunities for improvement and innovation. Through this process, the institution must provide evidence and document compliance with the Middles States Commission’s seven standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, policies and procedures, and applicable federal compliance regulatory requirements. (MSCHE)

Self-Study Tri-Chairs:

  • David Rehm, Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • Colleen Duffy, Chair and Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Department

Self-Study Timetable

        Major Milestones        
Oct-Nov 2021  -Self-Study Institute; attended by Tri-Chairs and 5 Steering Committee Members
Nov-Dec 2021  -Form Steering Committee, begin to form Working Groups
Dec 18, 2021  -First Steering Committee Meeting
Jan 2022  -VPAA announces the launch of the MSCHE self-study process to the larger University through email, and in the President’s Advisory Council -Steering Committee reviews and affirms institutional priorities and Lines of Inquiry
Feb 2022

 -VPAA announces launch of the self-study process to the Board of Trustees
 -Steering Committee finalizes all Working Group Personnel
 -Tri-Chairs and Steering Committee develop Self-Study Design
 -Tri-Chairs share Self-Study Design with Steering Committee and Working Groups

Mar 2022  -MSCHE Liaison receives completed Self-Study Design, March 9, 2022
 -MSCHE Liaison meets with all campus stakeholders, March 23, 2022
 -Begin development of self-study website and portal
Apr-May 2022  -Working groups begin the process of identifying required evidence that supports their Standard and begin the process of identifying gaps in evidence
 -Working Groups will use their evidence templates to create an outline indicating what themes they will employ and what examples of the lived experience will inform their narratives
 -Members of the Steering Committee will attend various meetings including college chairs, University Chairs, student government, as well as Student Life director’s meetings
May 2022  -Working groups provide progress reports and requests for gap evidence for their standards
 -Working Group progress reports uploaded to MU portal
May-Aug 2022  -VPAA updates Board of Trustees on self-study process
 -Steering Committee and Tri-Chairs read reports and provide feedback to Working Groups by August 30, 2022
 -Design Survey
Sept-Nov 2022  -Launch Survey
 -Working Groups gather and analyze data, prepare a first draft of their chapter (understanding that there may be gaps)
 -Drafts will link criteria to specific documents that will populate the Evidence Inventory
 -Working Groups solicit feedback from University stakeholders; as drafts are composed, evaluate Survey responses
 -Working Groups submit first draft of chapter by December 15, 2022
Dec 2022-Jan 2023  -Tri-Chairs and Steering Committee provide feedback to Working Groups by the end of January
Jan-Mar 2023  -Working Groups analyze additional data and evidence and revise chapters
 -Chapters posted on the MU portal for all to read and comment by March 31, 2023
Apr-June 2023  -Tri-Chairs and Steering Committee present results of self-study to all university stakeholders.
 -Gather comments from faculty, staff, and students for inclusion in final Self-Study Report
 -Tri-Chairs present findings to Board of Trustees and gather responses and comments
June-Aug 2023  -Self-Study Report compiled and community feedback responses integrated
Sept-Dec 2023  -Self-study draft sent to Team Chair (two weeks before visit)
Dec 2023-Jan 2024  -Self-Study Report Finalized and produced -Evidence Inventory submitted to MSCHE
Feb-April 2024  -Team Site Visit
 -University receives Team Report
 -Tri-Chairs and Steering Committee prepare Institutional Response
June-Nov 2024  -Middles States Commission meets to determine action
 -MSCHE informs the President and ALO of decision
 -Response composed by Steering Committee
 -Outcomes shared with Community


For the self-study, eight Working Groups composed of faculty, staff, students, and administrators have been formed who will gather and analyze evidence related to all student, financial, governance, mission, teaching, and learning aspects of the university. Organized according to the seven MSCHE Standards for an Accredited Institution, and our compliance with federal regulations, these institutional stakeholders are working to reflect on our University processes and recommend areas for improvement. The lists below comprise the members of the Working Groups, the bolded names indicate the co-chairs of each working group.

All are welcome to discuss self-study with any members of the Working Groups and should check this space frequently for updates and news of progress.

Self-Study Working Groups