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The Strategic Plan

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Mercy Thrives @MU

Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Misericordia University Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Mercy Thrives @ MU

Misericordia University seeks a fuller expression of its fundamental mission through the execution of a five-year strategic plan, Mercy Thrives @MU. After a thorough development processes occurring over the past two academic years, with the assistance of Credo higher education consultants, the university community and leadership have developed a plan focused on three thematic domains, with an overarching aim to increase enrollment at Misericordia University, supported by an ever-improving student experience.  For each of the three themes, we have identified four primary objectives paired with high-level metrics for each which will form the core of an annual assessment of progress on the plan. 

The map of the plan, below and in the downloadable PDF , provides the themes and objectives that structure the plan.  The plan was affirmed by the Board of Trustees at their June 2022 meeting.

Themes of the Strategic Plan