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Foreign Study

Students in Guyana on a study abroad experience

Studying abroad broadens your horizons, preparing you to work in a globalized job market and to be a citizen of the world.International and intercultural study, research, and service abroad opportunities at Misericordia University are designed and developed so that students have the opportunity to explore, grow, and shape their experiences not only as students but as citizens of the world, demonstrating the charisms of mercy, service, justice, and hospitality in the increasingly global environment in which you live. 

The Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs is responsible for coordinating full semester and summer study abroad for students at Misericordia University.  If you are interested in studying overseas for a semester or a portion of a summer, you should first make an appointment to speak with the Vice President.  In addition, various academic programs sponsor specific short-term overseas experiences, often focused on service.  Physical Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology are two such programs.

In recent years, Misericordia students have been particularly interested in studying at the The Umbra Institute (IG @umbrainstitute) an American study abroad program in Perugia, Italy with whom Misericordia has a direct agreement. Perugia sits on a beautiful hilltop and is both a medium-sized Italian city and a big college town, with over 25,000 Italian and international students.  Umbra is strong in community engagement as part of its classes as well as service and volunteer opportunities.  

Click here to browse the Umbra Institute’s upcoming summer programs. While you can request that any Umbra Institute summer course count for credit, the University has already approved the following Umbra courses for Misericordia credit:  Approved Classes 

Students in recent years have also studied in Ireland for the summer.  Again, speak with the Vice President of Academic Affairs if you are interested in that option.

If you’re interested, click here for the next steps.

study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad
study abroad