CITI Training Initiative
All Misericordia University faculty, staff, students, individuals obtaining consent, or key research personnel are required to complete training in the protection of human research participants, specifically Collaborative Institute Training Initiative (CITI) courses, prior to obtaining IRB approval. The IRB reserves the right to require CITI training for the individuals listed on the protocol application. This training is required regardless of level of review (exempt, limited, expedited, or full). Certificates will need to be renewed every three years. CITI training certificates for all research personnel listed on an application must accompany the IRB application. Applications that include research personnel without the appropriate training certificate, as outlined above, will not be reviewed until this requirement is satisfied.
If an investigator is not associated with, or external to Misericordia University, s/he must submit proof of having completed human participants protection training. However, the IRB reserves the right to require the external investigator to complete some or all of the elements of the training module used to satisfy the Misericordia University requirement.
Please note, CITI training certificates will need to be renewed every 3 years.
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to promoting the public’s trust in the research enterprise by providing high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses in research, ethics, regulatory oversight, responsible conduct of research, research administration, and other topics pertinent to the interests of member organizations and individual learners.
The MU IRB requires the following modules: Human Subjects Research, Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research, Responsible Conduct of Research, Information Privacy and Security, and Conflicts of Interest. There are also a number of elective and supplemental modules available.
To begin the training process, you must register as a first time user here.
Please see additional instructions below to help guide your first time user registration. If you are already registered with CITI and need to add the newly required conflict of interest courses, click here for a guidance document.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the IRB Office by emailing or by clicking here.
Step 1) Select Misericordia University as your organization affiliation and agree to Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.
Step 2) Fill in personal information.
Step 3) Create unique username and password. This is what you will use to access future trainings.
Step 4 & 5) Continue filling in necessary information including if you are interested in receiving Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for completed CITI Program courses.
Step 6)Fill in additional information including Department, Role of Research (i.e. primary investigator, undergraduate student, graduate student, etc.), and optional address information.
Step 7) *Important - When selecting your group to be enrolled in the correct courses, please select Researcher.
Confirm the list of courses and select interest for optional training.
After completing Step 7, you will see a message noting that your registration is complete along with your course listings.
When you select a course, you will see various course requirements.
*Important - before entering a course you must complete the Integrity Assurance Statement.
Example Course View: