Alumni Home
Welcome Misericordia University Alumni
Welcome to your home base for all things alumni. As an MU Alum, you are forever part of our community. Your participation and generosity to our ever-growing community is appreciated, valued, and encouraged. Check out Alumni Community to stay up to date with all the activities, benefits, and programs available to you. Visit The Misericordia Fund to learn how your gift to the University can make an impact!
Your contributions help our students grow and thrive.
Please consider a gift to the Misericordia Fund help Mercy continue to Thrive at Misericordia.
Always Misericordia Proud
Founded in 1924 by The Religious Sisters of Mercy
Total Alumni
Countries Alumni Reside
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The Misericordia Fund
Alumni Voices
Through the Years
Take a trip down memory lane. Our Centennial Oral History book is like a time capsule, filled with the unique stories of Misericordia alumni. Read and enjoy our 100-year legacy together!
For more information about our Centennial and related events, please click here.
Keep Us Updated
Make sure we have your correct information, share exciting news, or submit to the business directory. Whatever you're up to, we want to hear about it!