Summer Classes at Misericordia University
At Misericordia University, we have the summer classes you need. Taking summer classes is an excellent way to improve your GPA, lighten your course load during the academic year, replace a grade, or concentrate solely on that difficult course you've been putting off.
Whether you are planning to stay on campus, pursue a summer job or internship, or take a vacation, classes are offered online to accommodate your summer schedule.
Where can I find a list of available summer courses?
- Go to the Misericordia portal, MyMU, at
- Click on the "Course Search" link from the Quick Links menu in the left hand banner
- Select the Summer Term and any other relevant information to find the course you are looking for
How do I register?
Once you have decided to take a summer class(es), you should meet or speak with your academic advisor. Once your advisor approves, you will need to register for the class online, just as you would normally.
I currently attend another college or university. How do I register for summer classes at MU?
Once you find the courses you want using the Course Search link on the MyMU portal (see first question above), you will first need to verify that the classes you need to take will be accepted by your current institution. Course descriptions can be accessed within the academic catalog by clicking here. To register for summer courses, contact the Center for Adult and Continuing Education at 570-674-1225 or
How do I request a summer off-campus course?
Please follow the summer off-campus request procedure located on the registrar's office page on MyMU. Contact the registrar's office with questions.
Who can help me if I have questions?
For more information about summer classes at Misericordia University, contact the Center for Adult and Continuing Education at 570-674-1225,