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MU Athletics

33rd Annual Golf Tournament

        In Memory of Arnie Garinger

Sponsorship Form

Misericordia University is hosting its 33rd Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, September 9, 2024 at Irem Golf Club,  Dallas, PA. Proceeds from the event will help secure the excellence of Misericordia’s 30 athletic teams and 550+ Division III athletes. We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available. We appreciate your support!

Please complete the information and return by September 1, 2024.

MU Golf Committee, 301 Lake Street, Dallas, PA 18612

Questions about sponsorships? Call Angelica Kercsmar at 570-674-6718


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<p>Submit Payment to:<br /> Misericordia University<br /> 301 Lake Street<br /> Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>Make Check Payable to<br /> Misericordia University<br /> Attn Athletics<br /> 301 Lake St<br /> Dallas, PA 18612</p>
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