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The Ties That Bind: Railroading in NEPA

June 21 - July 28, 2023

In partnership with the Back Mountain Railroad Club, this art exhibition focuses on the historical significance of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, which stretched from Buffalo, New York, to New York City, New York, during its run from 1846 to 1976.

This exhibit features train-themed photography and artwork by regional artists, including Bloomsburg-based artist Oren B. Helbok. On display will be a model train layout of Dallas Borough and surrounding areas of the Back Mountain from the late 1930's through the late 1940's.



Art and history exhibition featuring photography, painting, a model railroad, and trolly artifacts

Behind the scenes: Installing the model railroad

The story behind Oren's "Peacock's Lock" photo


Wednesday, June 21, 5:00pm-7:00pm

MU's Ticket To Ride Game Night

Sign up yourself or your table of four for a night of Ticket to Ride, the popular train-building board game. Never played before? We'll teach you! Different versions will be available: Ticket to Ride Europe, Ticket to Ride America, Ticket to Ride First Journey Europe, and Ticket to Ride First Journey America. 
Co-sponsored by Chick-fil-A Express at Misericordia University, operated by Metz Culinary Management
Cost: Free. Space is limited, preregistration required. This activity is recommended for ages 6 and up. No prior gaming experience necessary.

Thursday, July 13, 2:30-4:30pm

Chasing the Train: Artist-led Cellphone Workshop

Railroad Photographer Oren B. Helbok and Gallery Director Lalaine Little will lead a workshop in composition and storytelling through photography.
Cost: Free. Space is limited, preregistration required. This activity is recommended for ages 12 and up. No prior art experience necessary.

Thursday, July 13, 5:00-7:00pm

Artist Reception

Meet some of the artists featured in the exhibition! The University Welcome will be given by Joe Curran, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Religious Studies; Director, Medical and Health Humanities Program; Associate Director, Honors Program, and Train Enthusiast!

Live piano music by Dean Mastrangelo.


For more information on any of our exhibitions or programs please contact Gallery Director Lalaine Little,, or call (570) 674-6250.