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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
Archie's Place, Henry Lounge

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Campus Safety

A Message from the Director of Campus Safety & Security

As the Director of Campus Safety & Security at Misericordia University and a parent, I share the same concerns about my children's safety as you have about your children. Most families concentrate on academics, majors, housing and financial aid when looking for colleges. From my perspective, the issue of safety on campus is an equally important aspect of a college experience. We are indeed living in a very different world and the phrase “campus safety" has taken on new meaning.

Our uniformed campus safety officers patrol the campus twenty-four hours a day by foot and vehicle. The Misericordia Campus Safety Team has over 100 years of experience in the criminal justice system. Our staff included retire members of the Pennsylvania State Police, Local Law Enforcement, including Wilkes-Barre Police,  Pa State Correctional Officers, PA State Probation/Parole Officers, and other talented and dedicated officers.

Campus Safety has a critical response teams and is closely associated with local law enforcement and state law enforcement.

This office is staffed twenty-four hours a day by a safety officer who is responsible for radio dispatching and emergency notification. Our residence halls are also locked twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Campus Safety Department at (570)674-6300, or you can contact me directly at (570)674-8324.

Frank Hacken
Director of Campus Safety & Security
Phone: (570) 674-8324

Mission Statement

To support the educational objectives of the institution, the Misericordia University Campus Safety Department provides and maintains a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community and visitors. Goals are achieved through a full-time professional presence on campus, efficient response to calls for service, security of all persons and buildings, and effective management of vehicles and external areas.

Crime prevention suggestions are offered in the Campus Safety Handbook.

For more information, contact the Director of Campus Safety, Frank Hacken at (570) 674-8324 or

Misericordia Campus Aerial 2019

The Campus Safety Department is located in Room #7 on the ground floor at the East entrance to Mercy Hall. Officers are on duty 24/7, 365 days a year, to respond to calls for service.  An operational communications center, security dispatch, integrated fire alarm and access control monitor, and remote surveillance camera system, is maintained at this location. The department command structure includes the Director, four Supervisors, and 21 full-time and part-time Campus Safety Officers.

  • Officers maintain Pa. Act 235 security certification or equivalent and have completed advanced training instruction including Pa. Act 120 (Municipal Police Officer Education and Training), Pa. State Police Academy Training and HR-218 (Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act).
  • Officers receive additional training in responding to emergency situations, first aid, CPR, the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED), and administering Narcan (Naloxone) anti-opioid overdose treatment. The department also includes a trained and certified Emergency Medical Responder. Several members of the department with advanced investigative experience have been designated to review fire incidents and coordinate with law enforcement regarding arson classification.
  • Officers patrol upper and lower campus areas on foot and in vehicles, and will respond to all calls for service.
  • Officers also maintain a comprehensive vehicle registration system and conduct parking enforcement on all campus parking lots.
  • Officers work in both an armed and unarmed capacity, and have detention authority when appropriate to preserve a safe and secure campus. Supplemental armed security personnel may be employed during certain events and situations. Response to critical situations on campus, including active shooter and/or mass casualty events, is a carefully coordinated effort between Campus Safety, local and state law enforcement, and other emergency responders.

Important Campus Resources

Campus Safety Department........... (ext. 6300) 570-674-6300
Dean of Students Office..................(ext. 6263) 570-674-6263
Residence Life Office.......................(ext. 6178) 570-674-6178
Counseling and Psychological ....... (ext. 6408) 570-674-6408
Services (CAPS)
Health and Wellness Center........... (ext. 6276) 570-674-6276
Human Resources Office................. (ext. 6310) 570-674-6310
Office of Student Engagement...... (ext. 6407) 570-674-6407
Athletics Department...................... (ext. 6374) 570-674-6374
Campus Ministry.............................. (ext. 6495) 570-674-6495
IT-Student Help Desk...................(ext. 8087) 570-674-8087
Sexual Assault Response Team.......570-417-8888
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline ...Dial 988

Police, Fire or Ambulance Dial 911

Campus Safety Offerings

You and Campus Safety

Mercy Hall

Misericordia University's picturesque campus, located on a wooded eighty-acre hillside, creates an impression of tranquility and serenity. Within this setting, one can easily forget the problems and dangers of society. An apathetic attitude can compromise safety and welcome criminal activity. Students must understand their responsibility in personal safety issues. Campus Safety is a cooperative venture. The Campus Safety Department needs the help of every member of the College community in making Misericordia University a safer campus.