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Sexual Offenses

General Policies, Procedures and Regulations

(Forcible and Non-Forcible)

Misericordia University's sexual assault policy procedures and protocol were established in 1994 and are contained in the Student Handbook and in separate publications: Misericordia University Sexual Assault Booklet and The Sexual Assault Policy and Protocol.

If Rape/Sexual Assault Occurs:

  1. Get to a safe place as soon as possible.
  2. Preserve all evidence. Do not wash, change clothes or use the toilet.
  3. Speak with a Sexual Assault Response Team member (24-hour Cell Phone: 570-417-8888) who will explain your options and provide information and emotional support.
  4. Contact Campus Safety Office at extension 6300.
  5. Seek medical attention to assess and treat any physical injuries, determine the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy and to gather evidence. Evidence is best collected within the first 24 hours of the occurrence; however, it can be collected for up to 72 hours.
  6. Contact the Victim's Resource Center at 570-823-0765.
  7. Refer to the Sexual Assault Booklet for more detailed information.

NOTE: The police will be notified by hospital personnel whenever treatment is rendered for injuries resulting from a crime. If the police are notified, and you file a report, this does not mean that you have to proceed with criminal charges.

You can request that your identity be kept confidential and you may choose not to talk to the police.

The Dean of Students' Office is available to provide assistance in changing academic or living arrangements as a result of a sexual offense if requested by the victim and if these changes are reasonably available.

Sexual Misconduct Online Report

Misericordia University is committed to a safe working, learning and living environment which is free from all forms of discrimination and sexual misconduct. All faculty, staff, students, volunteers and others associated with the University share responsibility for avoiding and discouraging any form of discrimination and sexual misconduct. The University encourages anyone to report any situation in which they believe discrimination or sexual misconduct has occurred so that appropriate support and resources can be provided.

One option for reporting incidents of discrimination or sexual misconduct is through the University's online report form. This form can be submitted anonymously. The Report form is intended to convey information needed to track the University response to the incident being reported, as well as to assess the danger the incident represents to the community at large. While anonymous reports that provide specific information may lead to at least a preliminary investigation, due to the nature of anonymous reporting, however, it may not be possible to investigate, resolve, or adjudicate reports of discrimination or sexual misconduct made by means of the online reporting process.

All submissions through the online reporting process are electronically sent to the Director of Human Resources, the University's Title IX Coordinator.

Reports of sexual misconduct involving or by a student, are also electronically sent to the Dean of Students, the University's Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

PLEASE NOTE: Completing this form does NOT constitute a police report.

Click here to access the sexual misconduct online report form.

Examples of Discrimination

  • Request for Sexual Favors
  • Unwelcome Verbal or Physical Conduct based upon
    • Race
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Color
    • National origin
    • Religion
    • Handicap
    • Marital status
    • Sexual orientation
    • Veteran status

Examples of Sexual Misconduct

  • Sexual Violence
  • Rape
  • Sexual Assault
  • Non-Consensual Sexual Contact
  • Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse
  • Forced Sexual Intercourse
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Sexual Coercion
  • Sexual Battery
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking


Educational Programs

The University's Sexual Assault Prevention Team provides educational programming to all constituents of the College. This program addresses the definition and dynamics of sexual assault, as well as how to respond sensitively to the parties involved.

Sexual Offender Registration

The Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexual Violent Offender Registration Act sets the requirements for sexual offender registration and community notification. The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at, or employed by, institutions of higher education.

Persons seeking to obtain sex offender registration information may contact the Dallas Township Police Department at (570) 624-2001 or the Pennsylvania State Police Sexually Violent Predator Website.