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Sexual Misconduct/Harassment and Title IX

If this is an emergency, or if you need to speak to someone immediately, please call Law Enforcement at 911 or Campus Safety at 570-674-6300 or MU's Sexual Assault Response Team Hotline (SART) at 570-417-8888. You may use this form to report concerns regarding any type of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, harassment, discrimination or any other matter even if your not sure it applies to Title IX. There is no time limit to report an incident of Sexual Misconduct or Harassment.

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

You have protections under Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act and the Clery Act.  Retaliation against anyone who participates in an investigation is strictly prohibited and will result in sanctions or other disciplinary actions consistent with Misericordia University’s policies and procedures.  If you have completed the intake form, Pamela Parsnik, Brian Murphy or another university official with experience with these types of complaints will contact you soon, usually the next business day.

Frank Hacken
Director Campus Safety
301 Lake Street
Dallas, PA 18612

Andrew Wilk
Assistant Director of Campus Safety
301 Lake Street
Dallas, PA 18612

Mark Mackachinas
Title IX Investigator
301 Lake Street
Dallas, PA 18612

Charles Prula
Title IX Deputy Coordinator 
301 Lake Street
Dallas, PA 18612

Pamela Parsnik
Title IX Coordinator
301 Lake Street
Dallas, PA 18612

Additional Information

Sexual Assault Response Team
Informational Flier
S.A.R.T. FAQ's