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Occupational Therapy Camp

Occupational Therapy Camp

Occupational Therapy Camp

Interested in a healthcare career? Want to work with people of all ages and help them to do the things they need to do and want to do every day? Consider a career in Occupational Therapy! The Misericordia University Occupational Therapy Program will be hosting a 4-day, 3-night residential Career Exploration Camp for high school students interested in occupational therapy. The camp runs June 23 - June 26, 2024.

ot camp 2018

During the camp, participants will learn about:

  • the profession of OT and the various career paths available for OTs in settings such as hospital, outpatient centers, schools, rehabilitation facilities and the community 
  • the idea of 'occupation' and engage in fun and exciting activities to explore why and how human beings do what they do
  • how disease or disability prevents people from engaging in occupation
  • the many ways in which OTs work to improve the lives of those they serve
    • During this time participants will have an opportunity to engage one on one and in groups with faculty, staff, and students who are currently enrolled in the Occupational Therapy program.

Participants will also have the opportunity to:

  • learn about Misericordia University and its OT program
  • stay in a residence hall
  • and explore the brand new Occupational and Physical Therapy Building that houses the OT program!

And since occupational therapists strive to help individuals achieve life balance, social participation activities, leisure activities and rest and relaxation activities will also be a part of the experience. 

Dates: June 23 - June 26, 2024

Times: Sunday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon, with residential overnight component

Cost: $50 per camper. Money is for students to be able to make splints and adaptive equipment, create a craft during a make-and-take session, engage in cooking or snack preparation as part of an occupation exploration, and for giveaways. 

Register for Occupational Therapy Camp