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Computer Science

Image of professor and students looking over computer parts.

Highly Marketable


Personal Attention

Students working around computers in a lab

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science provides a strong foundation in programming languages, databases, operating systems, networking, game programming, software engineering, mobile app development, and Internet programming. Juniors and seniors will choose from advanced electives, allowing them to customize their education for their desired career.

With a degree in Computer Science, student will continue to be on the cutting-edge of a wired (or wireless) world, putting to work the in-depth knowledge and experience gained through Misericordia University academics and service. Our combination of high-quality courses in Computer Science, critical thinking and writing skills (gained through the liberal arts core), and a caring, accessible faculty will help you make the most of your education, and ensure that you're ready for your career or for graduate studies.

Students have ample access to computer labs. All facets of hardware and software are continually upgraded to ensure that students work with the most recent components of this dynamic technology.

Several different computer science programs are available to respond to a variety of interests and career goals. The computer science curricula follow the recommendations of the Association of Computing Machinery and provides career-oriented education within a strong liberal arts program.

Coursework Variety

Coursework in the major explores the following areas:

  • Algorithms and data structure
  • Computer systems and architecture
  • Database concepts and programming
  • Game programming
  • Impact of technology on society
  • Information security
  • Internet applications
  • Network theory and design
  • Object oriented programming
  • Operating systems
  • Programming logic and design
  • Smartphone applications
  • Software engineering

Student Testimonial

Peter Kolokithias '15

I graduated in 2015, and actually had an internship during the summer of my junior year at the firm I currently work for. I am a Security, Privacy and Risk Supervisor at RSM in the Philadelphia area. We perform IT/Cyber security reviews for a variety of clients in many industries such as financial institutions, higher education, local governments, non-profits, and manufacturing.

Joe Broghamer


Career Opportunities

  • Scientific and industrial programming
  • Systems analysis
  • Data management
  • Market research
  • Statistical and demographic studies
  • Computer-based work in all types of businesses and agencies.
  • Possibilities in leadership and management positions

In addition to the above career options, the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science will also prepare students to continue their education at the graduate level. 


Sister Pat Lapczynski

For more information regarding the Computer Science major, contact:
Sr. Pat Lapczynski, Program Director
Phone: 570-674-6741.