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Diagnostic Medical Sonography Awards

SDMS Annual Conference October 2021


SDMS Annual Conference October 2021

Sheryl Goss - McLaughlin Award

Sheryl Goss – Recipient of the 2021 Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) Steven McLaughlin Lectureship Award. The title of her plenary presentation was Say Yes with the theme of the benefits of volunteerism.

The Stephen McLaughlin Memorial Lectureship was created as a tribute to past SDMS President Stephen McLaughlin for his service to the SDMS and his dedication to promoting sonographer professionalism within the healthcare community.

Cara Hill, alumnus of Misericordia University Medical Imaging and the Sonography program won first place in the Sonographer Poster Competition with her poster titled Expect the Unexpected: Diagnosing a Rare Fourth Brachial Arch Anomaly.

Tara Cielma, alumnus of Misericordia University’s BS degree (ARCH program) won second place in the Sonographer Poster Competition with her poster titled Pediatric Vocal Fold Motion Impairment.

Both alumni were invited and accepted to serve on the SDMS Events management Committee and are employed by Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

DMS Image Gallery

Sonography clinical with Radiographer
Sonographer using equipment
Sonography monitor
Sonography stomach
Sonography cart in motion
Sonographer reading chart
Songraphy bunny image
Karen Klimas
Ultrasound stomach