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Misericordia University esports Rocket League Camps

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Misericordia University esports is offering Two-2 evening Rocket League camps to high school age esports enthusiasts. August 9 and 10 and August 11 and 12 from 5:30 -7:30.   Each camp is limited to 9 participants and will be hosted in our esports room on the 4th floor Mercy Hall by Misericordia Rocket League coach Bryce Houdeshel and Nicholas Marrone, a Rocket League athlete. The camps will include: strategy, 3v3 matches with in game coaching,  post-match analysis and a T-Shirt.  Cost $100 per camp.  Registration will remain open until July 30th.

Unvaccinated attendees will be required to wear a mask while indoors.

Please use the links above to register for the camps.

Check out a promo on our esports program produced by discovernepa.

Go Cougars!