Satisfactory Academic Progress
In order to remain eligible for federal, state, or university financial aid, all students must meet certain academic progress towards their degree requirements. These academic progress standards must be met each academic year and are reviewed at the conclusion of the spring semester. Failure to meet these Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements will result in the cancellation/nonrenewal of financial assistance.
GPA- A minimum grade point average is required at the end of the academic year:
- First-year undergraduates 1.75 GPA
- All other undergraduate 2.00 GPA
- Graduate level 3.00 GPA
- Second Bachelors 2.00 GPA
Merit Scholarship recipients- Students must maintain a 2.75 GPA or a loss of 25% of the scholarship will occur.
Pace of Completion– This measurement ensures that a student is completing their program(s) within the maximum time frame allowed. PACE is calculated by dividing total credits earned by total credits attempted and includes accepted transfer and advanced standing credits in both the numerator and denominator. PACE is measured annually at the conclusion of the spring semester.
- First and Second Academic Year pace of completion must be a minimum of 65%
- Subsequent Academic Years pace of completion must be a minimum of 70%
Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress
Both PACE and GPA requirements are measured at the end of each spring semester. Students not meeting PACE and/or the minimum GPA will have their financial aid suspended until they earn the sufficient number of credits and/or meet the minimum GPA requirements, or have successfully appealed for an exception to the requirements.
Right to Appeal
If a student feels that satisfactory progress was impossible to attain because of extenuating circumstances, i.e. death in the family, extended illness, etc., the student may appeal. The appeal must explain the extenuating circumstance(s) that led to their academic problems and explain what has changed in their situation that will allow them to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation. The appeal must be in writing or emailed, include supporting documentation, an academic plan completed with the Student Success Center, and be sent to the Student Financial Services Office. The appeal will be reviewed and a decision will be made within 10 days of receipt. Students will be notified of the decision via their Misericordia email.
Academic Progress for Pennsylvania State Grant
Undergraduate students who are recipients of the PA State Grant must successfully complete a minimum number of credits each semester they are enrolled to receive a PA state grant in the following academic year. A part time student must successfully complete a minimum of six (6) semester credits per semester (or 12 credits in a year). Full time students must successfully complete a minimum of twelve (12) semester credits per semester (or 24 credits in a year). Credits earned for repeat courses which were previously counted when PA State Grant progress was verified cannot be counted again. Academic progress for PA State Grant is reviewed by the Student Financial Services office at the conclusion of the Summer semester.