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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
Archie's Place, Henry Lounge

Admissions FAQ's

Withdrawal/Refund Policy

Refund of Tuition and Fees2024-2025 TUITION AND FEES POLICY


When a full-time undergraduate student withdraws from the university, they must complete an official withdrawal form with the Student Success Center (SSC). The SSC can be contacted at 570-674-6408 or in the lower level of Alumnae Hall.

When a part-time undergraduate or graduate student withdraws from the university, they must complete an official withdrawal form with the Center for Adult and Continuing Education (CACE). The CACE office can be contacted at 570-674-1225 or in Marianne Baloga Hall.

The effective withdrawal date used for a course or university withdrawal is the date the student began the official withdrawal process or the date the student otherwise provided official notification (written or orally) to the offices designated above, whichever occurred earlier.  Acceptable official notification includes notification by a student via telephone, through a designated website (MyMU or MU email) or orally in person. The offices may request notification in writing if it is given orally over the phone. 

Students who wish to withdraw from a course or courses (not the university), must complete the Course Withdrawal form on the MyMU portal, found on the "Students" section.  The student is responsible for initiating the withdrawal process by completing the course withdrawal request form. If approved by the advisor, the withdrawal is processed as of the date of the student’s request.

When a student drops or withdraws from a course with penalty, tuition will be adjusted at the following percentage rates.

In circumstances when the university initiates a student withdrawal, the student will be financially responsible based on the refund schedule for that semester.

All fees are non-refundable. After the Census date of the term that a student is enrolled (the 100% date), there is no refund on any fees (general, course, or major fees).

Students should refer to the Academic Catalog for additional information regarding withdrawals.

Tuition-Full Semester Courses (15 weeks fall or spring, 13 weeks summer)

Time of Withdrawal Amount (%) Refunded
First Week (Census Date of term) 100%
Second Week 80%
Third Week 75%
Fourth Week 60%
Fifth Week 50%
Sixth Week 50%
Seventh Week 25%

No refund will be given on Tuition after the seventh week. Friday is considered the last day of the week for refunds (unless noted otherwise on the academic calendar).

Tuition-Seven, Six, Five, and Four Week Courses

Time of Withdrawal Amount (%) Refunded
On or prior to the first Friday 100%
On or prior to the second Friday 60%



Time of Withdrawal Amount (%) Refunded
First Week (Census Date of term) 100%
Second Week 50%
Third Week 50%
Fourth Week 25%

No refund will be given on Housing after the fourth week.

Students who change their Housing after the census date (moves from one location to another), will be charged (or refunded) the difference in the Housing costs based on the week the move occurred. 

Meal Plan (Food)

Time of Withdrawal Amount (%) Refunded
First Week (Census Date of term) 90%
Second Week 80%
Third Week 75%
Fourth Week 70%
Fifth Week 60%
Sixth Week 50%
Seventh Week 40%

No refund will be given on Board after the seventh week.

Financial Aid Refund Policy

Students that withdraw, drop, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence from school should consult with the Student Financial Services Office on how the refund policy applies to their situation.

Return of Federal Title IV Funds (R2T4)

The Student Financial Services Office is required by federal statute to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60% of a payment period or term, or receives all failing grades because the student ceases enrollment and does not formally withdraw.  Federal Title IV financial aid must be recalculated in these situations.

Federal financial aid is earned for each day until the date of withdrawal. The total days in the term are the calendar days that begin on the first day of class and end on the last day of finals. Any breaks of five days or more (including weekends) are subtracted from the total number of days in the term. To arrive at a percentage, the days enrolled prior to withdrawal are divided into the total number of days in the term that the student was scheduled to complete. This percentage determines the amount of federal aid that is earned. The remainder is the amount of federal aid that is unearned and must be repaid.

For example, if a student withdraws after attending 22 days of their scheduled 110 day term, their percentage of earned aid is 22/110 = 20.0%. The student in this scenario earned 20.0% of their aid, 80.0% of their federal aid is unearned and returned to the federal programs. If a student withdraws after 60% of the term, they have fully earned all federal aid.

If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, the institution would be required to return the portion of funds that the student did not earn. The university must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 30 days after the date of the determination of the date of the student's withdrawal. Please note that students who receive a refund of financial aid prior to withdrawal from the University may owe a repayment of federal financial aid funds received. Students will be contacted by the Financial Aid Office in such situations and will be given 30 days to repay the funds to the University. Students who fail to return the unearned portion of federal financial aid funds given to them will become ineligible for continued receipt of financial aid at all institutions until such time as the repayment is made.

Misericordia follows the federal guidelines when calculating the portion of federal financial aid a student has earned. Once the amount of the federal funds to be returned has been calculated, the funds will be returned in the following order and cannot exceed the total amount awarded:

  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans
  • Subsidized Federal Direct Loans
  • Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
  • TEACH Grants

Students who are recipients of Title IV Funds subsequently withdraw and have their tuition adjusted retroactively due to extenuating circumstances, will still be subject to Title IV Federal Return Calculation.

Return of Federal Aid


Return of State Funds

Pennsylvania and other state grants will be adjusted in accordance with each agency's stated guidelines. It is expected that PA State Grant funds will be reduced by the same percent of reduction in tuition received by a student when withdrawing from the University.

Return of Institutional Scholarships and Grants

Institutional scholarships and grants will be reduced by the same percent of reduction in tuition received by a student when withdrawing from the University.

When a student fails to earn a passing grade during an enrollment period

If a student that began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course offered over an enrollment period, the university must assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn, unless it can be documented that the student completed the period of enrollment. Students will be considered to have withdrawn at the midpoint of the period of enrollment if a last date of academic activity cannot be determined.