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Student Learning Outcomes

The business department aims to prepare students for success in both their careers and life. This is accomplished through a holistic and integrated approach to learning which enable students to adapt to new and changing business paradigms. The department aims to develop students analytical, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to help them to integrate real-world based learning experiences with business concepts and practices. Importantly, the department emphasizes the development of a framework for ethical decision-making, and strives to give students the ability to recognize and understand awareness of social and ethical issues relevant to business. Consequently, students should develop the ability to recognize and understand the values of mercy, justice, and hospitality.

Upon completion of any business program (accounting, business administration, health care management, management, marketing, sport management, MBA, master of science in organizational management), graduates will:

Program Learning Outcome 1: Students will use critical concepts and fundamental principles in the core business disciplines.
Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will comprehend and integrate major concepts and principles in the functional areas of business, economics, accounting, finance, marketing and management.

Program Learning Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.
Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will present ideas, using appropriate technologies, effectively in oral and written forms for differing professional audiences.

Program Learning Outcome 3: Students will think critically and analytically in the business sphere.
Student Learning Outcome 3: Students will analyze and apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative tools to solve business problems and evaluate information critically to formulate sound business decisions.

Program Learning Outcome 4: Students will demonstrate comprehension of the importance of social and ethical concepts in business.
Student Learning Outcome 4: Students will be able to identify and assess ethical and social responsibilities of business organizations.

Program Learning Outcome 5: Students will comprehend the impact of globalization on the business environment.
Student Learning Outcome 5: Students will be able to evaluate cultural diversity and integrate global trends in their business decision making.