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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
Archie's Place, Henry Lounge

Admissions FAQ's

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must have completed all surgical technology requirements for board certification as part of an accredited associate degree program, and must have approval from the accrediting body to take the board examination prior to matriculating into the completion program.

A maximum of sixty-one (61) credits may be accepted in transfer from an associate’s degree program. Those credits may be applied toward core curriculum, major, and free elective requirements toward the minimum 120 required credits for degree completion.

From the maximum of 61 transferable credits that may be accepted, the student must have a minimum of 31 transferable credits in surgical technician courses from an accredited program and either BIO 211 Anatomy and Physiology I or BIO 121 Human Structure and Function I eligible for transfer.