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Admissions FAQ's

Admission Information


  1. 18-25 years of age
  2. Diagnosis of intellectual disability, autism, and/or any additional co-morbid diagnoses
  3. Interest in pursuing higher education at Misericordia University and preparing for and desiring meaningful employment.
  4. Completed high school or secondary institution with a diploma, GED, special education diploma, and/or certificate or are in their final years of high school (up to 3 years).
  5. Have either received or would have been eligible to receive services under IDEA
  6. Demonstrate sufficient emotional stability, safety, and independent living skills to participate with minimal support in all aspects of the Misericordia Integrated Studies coursework and campus environment.
  7. Have functional and computer literacy skills to comprehend basic safety signage, complete assignments with support, and navigate the campus independently.
  8. Have the potential to successfully achieve individual and course goals with minimal support.
  9. Be able to appropriately participate in 75-minute classes with necessary accommodations in place to function independently in social situations.
  10. Be able to accept and follow campus rules and policies and behave respectfully towards others without supervision
  11. Have and be responsible for their cell phone.
  12. Are not able to access college by meeting the criteria for enrollment in a degree-granting program but wish to continue to develop necessary skills to successfully transition to adulthood and independence through social and employable/vocational independence.
  13. Can navigate the campus with identified individual supports and can be left unsupervised to navigate on campus for a minimum of an hour.

NOTE: Due to space limitations, it is possible that not all applicants who meet criteria for admission will be accepted into the Integrated Studies Program. A wait list will be available.


The Integrated Studies Program has a rolling admission. All applications must be received by July 1st for the next academic year. All prospective students must complete the following as part of the admission process:

  1. Complete the online application
    1. Each prospective student will be asked to submit an online application through Misericordia University’s online application
    2. Upload two non-family recommendations and one recommendation from a family member
    3. Develop a personal statement in a format of their choosing (e.g., written, audio, video)
    4. Upload additional documents (e.g., IEP or Section 504 plan, Individual Service Plan, Psychological-Educational evaluation from last 3 years, proof of high school degree/certification/ transcripts).

A person-centered planning meeting will take place prior to the start of the semester involving the student, parents/guardians, program staff and support team.

Apply Today!