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Upcoming Events

Pauly Friedman Art Gallery, 2nd floor, Insalaco Hall. For easier access to entrance with ramp and elevator please use parking lot by Mary Kintz Bevevino Library.

Admissions FAQ's

Borrow Materials

Students have the ability to borrow the following materials: General Collection items, DVDs, Reserve Items, Laptops, iPads, Periodicals.

Loan Periods

  • General Collection - 42 days
  • DVDs and Audio CDs - 7 days
  • Reserve Items - Library Use Only or Limited Loan Period
  • Laptops - 7 days
  • iPads - 7 days
  • Periodicals - Library Use Only

Return of Library Materials

Library materials may be returned to the Circulation Desk during hours when the library is open. When the library is closed, place library materials in the book drop located in the lobby between the entrance and exit doors.


Library materials (with the exception of iPads and laptops) may be renewed once, provided that they are not needed by another library patron. Reserve Items may not be renewed. Requests for renewal may be made by telephone by calling the Circulation Service Desk at (570) 674-6231. Items may also be renewed through the library catalog. Contact the Circulation Desk for instructions.

Overdue Materials

Due-date emails are produced for all circulating materials. Patrons are responsible to return library materials on time. As a courtesy, the library emails overdue notices. In order to keep our records up-to-date, we ask you to notify us of any changes in your address. Fines will be assessed for materials that are overdue as:


Reserve Materials.......$.25 per day
Videos/DVDs.............$1.00 per day
Laptops......................$10.00 per day
iPads..........................$10.00 per day

Lost or Damaged Materials

Patrons will be billed for the cost of lost materials as well as a $10.00 processing fee. Students who do not return materials by the end of the semester will have their accounts billed through Student Financial Services. There will be a charge for damaged material based on the severity of the damage. If the material cannot be repaired, a replacement fee will be charged.

For Assistance and more Information:

Please contact the Circulation Desk with any questions.

Phone: 570-674-6231
Fax: 570-674-3035