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Cougar Activity Council (CAC)

Cougar Activity Council Logo

Cougar Activity Council or CAC, is the student programming board of Misericordia University. CAC meets regularly and discusses upcoming programming as well as new ideas on campus. They are an active presence at many of the university's events and annually attend a fall activities conference.

CAC Mission Statement

“The CAC is about showing you a way to experience different activities and to have memorable times while here at Misericordia University. We want to inspire you and promote your self-growth, unity and involvement.”

CAC Events

Cougar Activity Council Fall Night Out
Cougar Activity Council Members
Cougar Activity Council  Chicken & Waffles Program
Facilities Staff Appreciation

To get more information, or see what CAC is all about, contact Dominick de Matteo, Area Coordinator of Campus Life/Advisor to the CAC at 570-674-6178.