Local Discounts
Welcome to Misericordia University's exclusive local discounts page! As a valued member or student of the university, you gain access to an array of fantastic deals and special offers from various local establishments in our community. We have partnered with a diverse range of businesses to ensure that you can make the most of your time here, both academically and socially.
Explore this page to discover the wealth of discounts available to you. Our partnerships extend across a variety of sectors, including dining, shopping, entertainment, wellness, and more. These discounts serve as a token of appreciation from local businesses for your commitment to education and your involvement in our university community. Not only will you benefit from reduced prices, but you'll also have the opportunity to support local entrepreneurs and contribute to the growth and vitality of our surrounding area.
We encourage you to take full advantage of these exclusive offers by presenting your university ID or membership card at the participating establishments. Stay tuned as we continue to expand our network of partners, ensuring that you always have access to the latest and greatest deals.
Discover the perks of being a member or student of our university by exploring the discounts page. Embrace the convenience and savings that come with being part of our vibrant community while fostering meaningful connections with local businesses. Start saving today and make the most of your university experience!