Refugee and Immigrant Ministry
The refugee and Immigration ministry at Misericordia University is aimed at ways our community can respond to our shared responsibility to welcome, protect, promote and integrate refugee and immigrant families into the community. We work with families who are served through the Immigration/Refugee program through Catholic Social Services in the Diocese of Scranton and welcome referrals from schools or other agencies in Luzerne County.
Tutoring Program
Student, faculty and staff can teach immigrants english in their homes on or campus.
Navigator Program
Students, faculty and staff can pair with refugee families to accompany and advocate for them with the goal of empowering refugees to transition to a new life in our region.
- Letter writing campaigns that send a message of hope and solidarity to an immigrant or refugee family in our area.
- Making phone calls to legislatures on issues of immigration.
- Attend a local, regional or national rally advocating for just immigration policies.
- Speak on a families behalf when helping them navigate various systems.
- Help a family find housing, employment or to learn English.
- Teach a family how to use public transportation or offer them a ride.
- Tutor their children in their school work.
- Help the family with their overall adjustment to the American culture and our local community.
- Assist them in understanding the public assistance system, school system, and healthcare system.
VOLUNTEERS from the University
- must have child abuse background checks and criminal background checks
- will complete and online or in person training
- volunteers will make a commitment from one to four months in working with a family
- volunteers can choose to do advocacy work and not work directly with the families.