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Sandy & Marlene Insalaco Hall, rooms 218-219

Admissions FAQ's

Spirituality and Faith Formation

The University Chapel is located in Mercy Hall first floor. The chapel is open for private prayer during the day. Liturgy is held every Sunday evening at 7:00 pm and  There is no summer liturgies.

Bible Study/Faith Sharing: Students meet once a week in Office for Mission, Ministry and service to read and reflect on different Bible passages and share how the word of God speaks to their lives.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): This is the process of initiation for adults seeking to learn about the Catholic faith or receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. This process is a commitment of two semesters for those entering the RCIA process.

Agape Latte: Is a  once a month program where students gather for coffee and dessert and listen to a faculty or staff member tell them of their personal faith journey. This program is held once a month on Wednesday in Archie's lounge.

Retreats: "Retreat in the flow of life" is a one-on-one directed retreat on campus that is held every Lent in the Spring Semester. The SEARCH weekend in March/April is a student led retreat that is held off campus.


Search 22 Retreat

Prayer & Faith Sharing: Throughout the year there are opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to come together for various prayer and faith sharing experiences during Mercy Week, Earth week and special occasions. Mercy Inspired Monthly prayers will be held once a month in the MMS office and led by a Sister of Mercy

Special Programs: Special programs and experiences are held during Lent and Advent for the community to celebrate the different liturgical seasons.

Spiritual Direction or Pastoral Counseling is available to the campus community by appointments with the Mission, Ministry & Service staff.

What if I am not Catholic? All students are welcome to participate in our spiritual/religious/service programs.

If students want to learn of other churches in the area, every year in September we hold a special Church Fair so students can come and meet local pastors as well as be introduced to our local congregations. Students can also click this link to view a local listing of churches in the area and their worship times.