Active Minds
Active Minds is a national organization with campus chapters that focus on doing fun programs and activities to create awareness about important mental health topics, advocate for students' overall wellness, and erase the stigma associated with mental health issues.
Examples of Active Minds activities throughout the year:
Positivity Post-its - members write positive and affirming messages on post-it notes and spread them around campus.
Chalk Talk - members engage the campus community to write positive and inspirational quotes on the sidewalks with chalk.
Blue Jeans for True Genes Campaign - this event was started nationally in 2006 as a way to promote positive body image and acceptance. The idea is to donate any jeans that no longer fit or feel comfortable, so you stop the belief that you have to be a certain size or body type. Jeans collected are donated to a local women's shelter.
CAPS Mental Health Screening Promotion - members set up tables to promote CAPS Center screenings for a variety of mental health topics, including depression and eating concerns.
Finals Week Stress Reduction - members host a table set up with activities to help students de-stress (e.g., making stress balls, inspirational quotes in balloons, etc.).
If you'd like to become involved, please join below to be added to our mailing list!
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