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Student Success Center

Mission Statement

The Misericordia University Student Success Center (SSC) enhances learning through our collaborative, compassionate, and personalized approach. We seek to empower students through the development of academic and social skills, connection to resources, and the encouragement of self-efficacy. As campus liaisons, we strive to create an environment that welcomes all, and to develop relationships that promote student persistence and success.


Student Tutoring


Academic Services

  • Individual Academic Support

The Student Success Center offers individual academic support to students who request help with general study skills and learning strategies. Students who are experiencing difficulty in specific courses or would like to improve their performance in a specific course or courses can make an appointment with one of the Student Success Center's academic support professionals. The student will receive a professional assessment of current strategies, suggestions for alternate strategies and follow up services which may include sessions with an Academic Coach.

  • Tutoring Center

Misericordia University offers a variety of tutorial options to assist students in achieving academic goals. Small group tutoring is provided in most core curriculum courses and many professional courses using a peer educator model. Online tutoring is also available 24/7, please contact the Student Success Center for more information. Tutoring is free to students.

  • Writing Center

The Misericordia University Writing Center supports in all facets of the writing process by empowering writers in a friendly and supportive environment and by providing exceptional writing assistance and resources. Students may bring papers to the Writing Center at any phase of the writing process for feedback and support. The Writing Center is drop-in and staffed by peers from a variety of academic disciplines. 

Special Programs

Office for Students with Disabilities

Misericordia University is committed to creating an environment where all are welcome and does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, educational process, or treatment of students. In the spirit of hospitality and justice, we comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended. In order to receive services, students must self-identify their disability and provide documentation from a healthcare professional. Eligibility for accommodations such academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aides is determined through an individualized, interactive process in the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD).

The OSD is located in the Student Success Center, on the lower level of Alumnae Hall. 
Individuals seeking accommodations may call 570-674-6408 or email Kristen Ricardo, Assistant Director SSC/Office for Students with Disabilities.

Click here for more information on services for Students with disabilities

Extended and Online Campus Support

The SSC is committed to supporting our students, wherever they are! Online tutoring and writing support is available for students enrolled in our Arch program or attending classes at extended campuses. Students may request tutoring through the online Smarthinking service, and may access the Writing Center via email to request a paper conference via phone or video chat service. Students may also request remote academic coaching or academic planning sessions with a College liaison. Our daytime, evening and weekend hours provide easy access to students with a variety of scheduling needs.

Students enrolled in extended and online campus program requesting accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities.

For more information on the SSC

Please call (570) 674-6408 or e-mail Kathy Zawatski or visit us in the Lower Level of Alumnae Hall.
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.