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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
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The MLK Week Poster provides a description of each event, date, time, and location.
Archie's Place, Henry Lounge

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Medical Imaging clone

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Program at Misericordia University is rooted in the Charisms set forth by Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy to provide and promote mercy, service, justice, and hospitality.


Program Overview



Program Overview and Options

Student Opportunities

Hear From Our Students

Clinical Education Centers/Clinical Experiences

Advanced Modality Courses

Medical Imaging Poster Presentations 2024

MI Poster Presentations 2024


Job Placement Rate
(as of 2022) 


Pass Rate
(5-year average)

Gina Capitano


For more information regarding the Medical Imaging program at Misericordia University, contact Gina Capitano, Ed.D., R.T. (R), Department Chair and Associate Professor, at 570-674-8067 or

meet the Medical Imaging faculty