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Misericordia University Announces First Integrated Studies Certificate Completion Program Recipients

Misericordia University Announces First Integrated Studies Certificate Completion Program Recipients

Misericordia University Announces First Integrated Studies Certificate Completion Program Recipients

Misericordia University is proud to announce the first completion ceremony of the Integrated Studies Certification program, which was held on May 4, 2023, through the Autism Center at Misericordia University.

The following in attendance received their certificates, Olivia Olshefski, Mountain Top, PA, and Gailey Shonk, Mountain Top, PA.

Misericordia University offers a new, inclusive, post-secondary certificate program designed specifically for students with moderate Autism, with or without co-morbid disorders, and Intellectual Disability.

Approved by the Department of Education, the Integrated Studies certificate program is a full-time, college-based, 2-year program specifically designed for students between the ages of 18–26 who are Level 1 Mild to Level 2, Moderate Autism, and gives prospective students access to a full-time inclusive and supported program of study.

Dr. Barbara Schwartz-Bechet, Dean of the College of Health Sciences & Education, explained, “The Integrated Studies Program's goal is to develop independence, expand opportunities, and improve both Academic and Social Understandings. The Certificate of Completion fulfills the principles of equality of advancement to and for all students at Misericordia University by assisting the students to become productive citizens by advancing knowledge, social skills, and opportunity.”  

The program intends to provide direct instruction and develop independent living skills within an instructional and applied setting. “Misericordia University is a Catholic Liberal Arts institution founded in the tradition with the Sisters of Mercy, cultivates a transformational education experience that promotes intellectual curiosity and critical thinking in a supportive, inclusive community, inspiring all of our students to engage in the life service and global citizenship.  Mercy, Service, Justice, and Hospitality are an imperative part of the education for students at Misericordia University,” says Schwartz-Bechet.

Janine Starinsky, director of the Autism Center and Adviser of the 2021-2023 Integrated Studies Program, noted the hard work that the academic coaches and instruction coaches put into the program to help the recipients succeed. “The coaches are a valuable asset to the program. Thank you for your time, dedication, and loyalty to the program's success,” says Starinsky.

Also in attendance were representatives from Misericordia University’s Occupational Therapy program, Dr. Lori Charney, department chair and assistant professor of Occupational Therapy, and Dr. Orley Tempelton, assistant professor of Occupational Therapy. Charney congratulated the recipients on their diligent work in obtaining the certification, and Templeton added that the participant’s strength, bravery, dedication, and perseverance were noticed in obtaining the 2-year certificate.

For more information on the Autism Center at Misericordia University, click here, and for more information about the Integrated Studies Program, click here.