Misericordia University Club Engaged Campus to Thank Veterans
Misericordia University Club Engaged Campus to Thank Veterans
Misericordia University’s Government Law and National Security (GLNS) Club recently worked with the campus community to spread thanks with gratitude messages to veterans.
Over 50 messages of gratitude were collected, distributed, and displayed at the annual Veterans’ Recognition Event and Expo held at Misericordia University on November 4. The same messages were on display in the Lemmond Theater lobby, through Veterans’ Day, Saturday, November 11.
The Veterans Recognition Event and Expo was co-hosted by Representative Aaron Kaufer, Representative Mike Cabell, and Senator Lisa Baker. The event began with a special recognition program, followed by an expo with more than 30 vendors representing veterans organizations. The event concluded with a light reception.
The GLNS club would like to thank Representative Cabell, Representative Kaufer, Senator Baker, Carol Sweeney, and Lesley Dieffenbacher for allowing the students to participate in Veterans’ Recognition Event and Expo.
Members of the GLNS club include Dylan Horton, Kevin Amaya, Bella Bartashus, Karla Carrasco, Brooklyn Giovinazzo, Bridget Doherty, Evan Plank, Anthony Giovinazzo, and Richard Billings.
For more information on Misericordia’s Government, Law, and National Security Major, Click Here.