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Misericordia University Hosts Third Annual Data Science Day

Misericordia University Hosts Third Annual Data Science Day

Misericordia University Hosts Third Annual Data Science Day 

The third annual Data Science Day at Misericordia University attracted around 40 high school students from Holy Redeemer, Dallas High School as well as other individual students.

The morning consisted of a 'Mathematical Midway' full of hands-on activities, including mathematical games, creating pictures using AI, gravitational models, among other topics.  These activities were run by a mixture of faculty and MU students. 

Afterwards, there was a sequence of presentation by leaders in the field as well as current students presenting their research. 

“With activities ranging from mathematical games in the morning and puzzles available on the tables to presentations from leaders in Data analysis, this Data Science Day gave local high school students an opportunity to learn exactly what is data science, as well as a side of mathematics not usually presented in high school. All while having fun! said Dr. Steven Tedford, Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair.


The Misericordia University Data Science program provides students with the opportunity to explore, sort and analyze large data sets from various sources to address the analytical and data-centric needs of a modern workforce.To learn more, click here