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The Voices Project

What is The Voices Project and how did it get started?

The Voices Project began as a method for students to examine the question: what is it like to be "different"? In Fall of 2009, Psychology instructor Dr. Alicia Nordstrom developed an experiential, service-learning diversity assignment for her Intro to Psychology course that was intended to enhance students' critical thinking and cultural competency, reduce stereotypes and prejudice towards victimized and misunderstood groups, and increase empathy and perspective taking. This assignment - called The Voices Project (TVP) - was designed with the understanding that students often have negative attitudes toward people from unfamiliar groups. 

Check out Alicia Nordstrom's TEDxLancaster talk on "The Fallacy of Normal and Beauty of Difference" (September, 2017)

Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World

Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World - 1st Edition

by Alicia Nordstrom (Editor), Wind Goodfriend  (Editor)

Offering practical stigma and discrimination reduction programs in a range of domains including mental health, disability, ethnicity, and sexuality, this book is the answer to "What can we do?" to improve interpersonal relationships by reducing societal stigma towards social groups that are prime targets of prejudice.

Click here to learn more and to purchase through Amazon


The Voices Project: The Four Chapters


Take an 80-minute trip around five continents as eight storytellers each share their immigration experiences.

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Explore society’s attitudes towards individuals considered “different.”

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Mental Health

Find out what you don't know about mental health. The stigma ends now.

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Understand negative attitudes toward people from unfamiliar groups

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