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Mental Health

The Voices Project: Mental Health began in 2016 and focuses on individuals and family members of those with mental health conditions.
The Voices Project: Mental Health is the next chapter of a psychology project that explores society’s attitudes towards individuals considered “different.” In this project, Misericordia students interview individuals from social groups that are misunderstood, stigmatized, and/or ignored and write memoirs of their lives. These memoirs are integrated into staged readings or theatrical programs and performed to the campus and community to educate others on the "real" experiences of these interviewees. Since its inception in 2009, the project has explored the experiences of a variety of social groups.

In recognition of Mental Health Week and Mental Health Month in October 2019, Dr. Nordstrom was featured on WVIA Radio ArtScene and spoke about The Voices Project: Mental Health. Listen to the podcast here. 

Dr. Nordstrom WVIA Podcast 100719

Click this link to watch the documentary "Voices Project: Mental Health," that aired on WVIA in October 2019.  In recognition of Mental Health Week and Mental Health Month, the documentary chronicled interviews done by six Misericordia students with people diagnosed with a range of mental health disorders as part of an ongoing research study on understanding differences.

The Voices Project Mental Health

Fifty-five college students interviewed over 60 people and family members of those with mental health conditions to learn about their lives. This theatrical program shares these stories with a focus on anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, suicide, eating disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse, Tourette's Syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, intellectual disability, and Alzheimers/dementia. Find out what you don't know about mental health. The stigma



The Voices Project: Selected Stories - Sunday at the Circle

In the Voices Project: Mental Health, 55 college students interviewed over 60 people and family members of those with mental health conditions to learn about their lives. The students wrote memoirs about their interviewees whose lives were touched by anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, suicide, eating disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse, Tourette's Syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, intellectual disability, and Alzheimers/dementia. These memoirs were integrated into a theatrical program that was performed by a cast of 21 actors to over 600 people in April, 2017.

A video of the April show can be found here. Please note that there is no sound for the first scene but the sound will resume after the first scene for the rest of the show.

Click here to access the program for the April performance.

Click here to access the program for the August performance.

In addition to the Misericordia University performance, the The Voices Project: Mental Health was also performed at the Broadway Bound Theatre Festival in New York City in August, 2017. The script was revised and condensed to highlight 14 of the original memoirs. This staged reading was directed by Peter Jensen (Artistic Director at the T. Schreiber Studio) and was read by a cast of professional (including equity) New York Actors. For a list of actors and production information, download the program at the above link. Click here to access the Broadway Bound Theatre Festival Performance.