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WWC Purse Raffle

First page of the PDF file: WWCMayPurseCalendar

WWC Fundraiser for May, 2024

May 1-31, 2024

May is for Mothers Designer Purse Raffle to benefit the Ruth Matthews Bourger Women with Children Program’s Endowed Scholarship Fund at Misericordia University

During the entire month of May, the Bourger Women with Children Program’s Advisory Board will run a designer purse raffle with all proceeds going directly to the endowed scholarship fund to aid our student mothers. All designer purses are brand new, popular styles, featuring Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach, Dooney & Burke, Vera Bradley and this year, we’ve even added a grand finale prize of a YETI cooler (think of it as a purse for your food and drinks….) and more!

Each $25.00 raffle ticket entry remains in the raffle for all 31 days. That means you can win multiple times in the month of May. On Mother’s Day we will also have two grand prize winners that will include a designer purse each, along with either a spa gift certificate from the Woodhouse Spa, Kingston, and or a gift certificate from Valentine’s Jewelry, Dallas.

All daily winners will be selected and announced each day in the month of May at 4:00 pm on the Bourger Women with Children Program’s social media pages. On select days, winners may win a designer purse and more, including gift certificates or accessories.  All designer purse winners will be notified directly by phone and email by our WWC staff. Purse pick-up will be coordinated with winners to include a pick-up location at Misericordia University’s Mercy Hall or delivery to local addresses. For out-of-town winners, we will ship your purse directly to the address you provide.

Online purchases will receive an online receipt of their purchase, verification of their ticket entries into the raffle, and a link for the May is for Mothers Designer Purse calendar featuring the purse line-up for the month.

In-person sales of tickets with purse raffle calendars will also occur on Misericordia University’s campus or by contacting the Bourger Women with Children Program offices; Sandy Johnson at 570-674-3320, Katherine Pohlidal, 570-674-6728, and Kristi Lyons, 570-674-8086. 
Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram for daily winners! 

Join in the fun as we celebrate moms and support a great cause!
We wish you the best of luck and thank you so much for your support!


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