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Spring 2025 Commencement / Graduation

Misericordia University graduates prior to the commencement ceremony

The Spring Commencement Ceremonies will be broadcasted on Misericordia University's YouTube Channel to watch live. The broadcast of the ceremony will be recorded and made available on our YouTube channel for those that are unable to watch it live.  Tune in to our channel shortly before the start of each ceremony

YouTube logo

Watch spring Commencement Live on MU YouTube on 5/10

GIrls Throwing Confetti

Commencement / Graduation Planning
for May 10, 2025

Dear 2025 Graduate,

Misericordia University will celebrate your academic achievements through the various activities of Commencement. You have earned the honor of participating in these ceremonies, and your presence at these events is vital. The following pages will provide you with information for specific Commencement related events. If you have questions that are not answered on that page, please contact the office coordinating each event. Congratulations, and we look forward to seeing you at Commencement.

Undergraduate Schedule

Graduate Schedule

On Friday, May 9, 2025 and as a community of faith, we will be celebrating Baccalaureate Liturgy at 4:00 PM in Mercy Center Chapel. You, your family, and your friends are welcome to come and participate. Be assured that you are remembered in our prayers in a special way as you prepare for your graduation.

Congratulations to those who will be completing their degrees this semester. We extend the best of wishes for a healthy and prosperous future!

Commencement Week Information for those receiving Undergraduate degrees

Graduates looking happy and full of joy as they prepare for commencement

Undergraduate info


Commencement Week Information for those receiving Master's or Doctoral degrees

Two female Graduates looking happy after a MU commencement ceremony

Graduate Info