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Misericordia MU for Life Logo  Center for adult and continuing education


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Explore Tai Chi the EASY way! An ancient practice, Tai Chi has developed over thousands of years. Typically taught as a “form” there are many choreographed steps to learn and memorize. In the Tai Chi Easy program, we focus on simplifying these movements, while maintaining the health benefits. In this practice, we combine postures, stretches, bends, and deep breathing into a relaxing ‘Flow,’ while focusing on the mind/body connection.

An excellent way to work out, stretch, and strengthen our bodies, and although this practice may seem effortless, it is very effective. The fact that Tai Chi is low impact and easily adapted means it suits anyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

Instructed by Rosalie Allan, a Certified Tai Chi Easy and QiGong Professional, each 60-minute class will include breathwork, movement, and meditative practices.

Health benefits include: Less Stress * Better Balance*Mental Clarity

Learn more about TaiChi Easy™ from Rosalie Allan. Watch the video below.


Fall 2024 Tai Chi Easy 
Session 1: Tuesdays - September 10, 17, 24, October 1, 8 & 15 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in MacDowell Hall, Room 103

Session 2: Tuesdays - November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3 & 10 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in MacDowell Hall, Room 103

Class Day Class Time Class Cost Location
Tuesday 6:00  - 7:00 PM $80.00 MacDowell Hall, Room 103

A 50% discount is available for current Students and Employees

To Register:
1.)    Register and pay online by completing the registration form below.
2.)    Register in person at: Misericordia University
                                           Center for Adult and Continuing Education
                                           Marianne Baloga Hall, 2nd Floor
                                           301 Lake Street Dallas, PA 18612-1090
                                           Phone: 570-674-6289

We only accept Credit/Debit Card or Check. Make checks payable to Misericordia University


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Please select up to 2 choices
Please Select Your Session(s)requiredPlease select up to 2 choices
Please select up to 2 choices

Payment Information

Provide an email address for the receipt.

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<p>Submit Payment to:<br /> Misericordia University<br /> 301 Lake Street<br /> Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>